Ah, now that the other post is done, and I can be okay with all the wonderful snippets of information coming at me through various sources of information-distribution (I refuse to term them as news, seeing as how i cannot bring myself to consider viveIk and floozy's break-up fundamentally mind-boggling news - I mean, come on, guys, you're not getting her. girlies, if you like him, love him, are infatuated with him, you have ISSUES. in capitals.), I shall comment on republic day. Which, despite how pompous the statement sounds, is merely an anthology of random musings related to this day.
For the last few days, I've been wondering how there is hardly any hoo-ha about 26th of January this year. I understand that it's not exactly Independence day, but surely it deserves some merit? So how come no one has made any mind boggling statement questioning the authority of the opposition to build new roads, to dig up old ones, to tax more, to pay less, to be born a citizen of some other country, yadda yadda yadda... I mean where are the sons of the soil when ya need 'em???
I also have been wondering why my school (the one I stopped attending nearly 6 years ago to pursue (snigger) "higher education") does not have a music system that works. Me being part of a poor little theatre company, I can understand the inability to buy a nice new music system due to lack of funds, but considering the fees my esteemed alma mater charges, I doubt that is the case. I can also understand, being as I am careless and sometimes uncaring about the cleanliness of my surroundings that there may be dust, there may be lots of dust in the music systems. But surely abovementioned alma mater being a healthy and clean environ for ickle spoilt brats, that shouldn't be a problem either... But then again, as I have said a million times over, what do I know?
I also thought of buying some paper flags for the house, but unthought that thought right quickly, considering I still have leftover flags from Independence Day.
The most amusing thing about these uber-patriotic days in this city is the fact that everything being sold at signals, street corners, etc has some orange, white, green and blue in it. It has been a custom, since as long as I remember, to buy paper flags on little wooden sticks from street kids selling them at the signals. But here's to innovation and progress. There are little unbrellas, there are little woolen unbrellas with tassels, there are little gas balloons, there are little immobile flags, there are plastic flags, and all of them orange, white, green and blue. My favourite still remained, for the longest time, paper flags. It still is my most favourite thing. But come on, scrunchies!!! How can you not like little patriotic scrunchies? And gas balloons, so pretty tied to your window, so everyone can see how patriotic and giving you are?
However, of all the thing, the cake-taker is this:
But to know of this, there is some background required. A plastic flag is a flag made in approximately the same ratio as the Indian flag (ratio of height to width is 2:3, for those who had no clue), is made of some thin plastic, and is stuck on a straw. Not straw as in bale of straw, but straw as in sip-out-of-it straw. This year's innovation: Green straws. Green? Scratch that. This year is all about pink, Kunnu, you are so wrong, pink is in, and so claims my little plastic flag, kitschy as can be, standing there, tempting you all the while it flutters innocently. I mean seriously, if you think that fuschia pink and orang go well together, you'd be right most of the time. Except this time.
One of my dear friends, in a serious attempt to talk about his sexuality, said this could mean that the country is finally acknowledging its homosexual content. Indeed. Or it could mean that this country is soon to be weeded out of the fashion world.
Well, whicheve, whateve, Happy Republic Day, Jai Hind. *salutes smartly and stalks off, heels clicking*
(oh, and before anyone starts ranting about how I'm not patriotic to be writing this, go fuck yourself)
For the last few days, I've been wondering how there is hardly any hoo-ha about 26th of January this year. I understand that it's not exactly Independence day, but surely it deserves some merit? So how come no one has made any mind boggling statement questioning the authority of the opposition to build new roads, to dig up old ones, to tax more, to pay less, to be born a citizen of some other country, yadda yadda yadda... I mean where are the sons of the soil when ya need 'em???
I also have been wondering why my school (the one I stopped attending nearly 6 years ago to pursue (snigger) "higher education") does not have a music system that works. Me being part of a poor little theatre company, I can understand the inability to buy a nice new music system due to lack of funds, but considering the fees my esteemed alma mater charges, I doubt that is the case. I can also understand, being as I am careless and sometimes uncaring about the cleanliness of my surroundings that there may be dust, there may be lots of dust in the music systems. But surely abovementioned alma mater being a healthy and clean environ for ickle spoilt brats, that shouldn't be a problem either... But then again, as I have said a million times over, what do I know?
I also thought of buying some paper flags for the house, but unthought that thought right quickly, considering I still have leftover flags from Independence Day.
The most amusing thing about these uber-patriotic days in this city is the fact that everything being sold at signals, street corners, etc has some orange, white, green and blue in it. It has been a custom, since as long as I remember, to buy paper flags on little wooden sticks from street kids selling them at the signals. But here's to innovation and progress. There are little unbrellas, there are little woolen unbrellas with tassels, there are little gas balloons, there are little immobile flags, there are plastic flags, and all of them orange, white, green and blue. My favourite still remained, for the longest time, paper flags. It still is my most favourite thing. But come on, scrunchies!!! How can you not like little patriotic scrunchies? And gas balloons, so pretty tied to your window, so everyone can see how patriotic and giving you are?
However, of all the thing, the cake-taker is this:
But to know of this, there is some background required. A plastic flag is a flag made in approximately the same ratio as the Indian flag (ratio of height to width is 2:3, for those who had no clue), is made of some thin plastic, and is stuck on a straw. Not straw as in bale of straw, but straw as in sip-out-of-it straw. This year's innovation: Green straws. Green? Scratch that. This year is all about pink, Kunnu, you are so wrong, pink is in, and so claims my little plastic flag, kitschy as can be, standing there, tempting you all the while it flutters innocently. I mean seriously, if you think that fuschia pink and orang go well together, you'd be right most of the time. Except this time.
One of my dear friends, in a serious attempt to talk about his sexuality, said this could mean that the country is finally acknowledging its homosexual content. Indeed. Or it could mean that this country is soon to be weeded out of the fashion world.
Well, whicheve, whateve, Happy Republic Day, Jai Hind. *salutes smartly and stalks off, heels clicking*
(oh, and before anyone starts ranting about how I'm not patriotic to be writing this, go fuck yourself)
yes you are not PATRIOTIC like ME.
and abt our country acknowledging homosexual content well first
let them be comfortable with sexuality as a
vital concept then we'll talk about "alternate lifestyles".
yeah those umbrellas are like 10 bucks each i too prefer paper flags.
the cake-taker would be bikini tops and undies/jock straps havin colours of the national flag on them
happy 26th of january *giggle*
Hahaha... loved reading this! And to dedicate a full post (as opposed to miserly moi, who dedicated only half a post) to republic day, is of course patriotic!
Also paper flags have been my favourite for as long as I can remember. If I recollect, my sister and me would buy a whole lot of them as kids, and stick 1 each into all out potted plants. Ah, those were the days.
Hey, the man who takes the salute in the parade down Rajpath is known to have a fondness for ..... And Rahulbaba, future PeeYem of India (Hyderabad or not) is supposed to be quite the swinger in Delhi's social circles.
What about the country's 'most respected' Bawa industrialist, isn't he also hmmm.....
Who says we're sexually repressed in the bedroom, its just that we have bended over to a minority 'moralistic' view on the matter. And trust me, this year, the stupid parade should have been shortened - it is a traffic menace, and such displays of military graduer (and I've seen the parade five times) remind me of a military state, its fine to have the parade down Rajpath, but to shut off half of Central Delhi is Lunatic. Its akin to blocking Bombay from the Racecourse to Nariman Point.
Anything, whats the idea of declaring days of national celebration as Dry Days, not that I'm drinking (too much) nowadays but aren't we supposed to celebrate these things! Humbug!
Just gossiping and ranting, many pardons!
appy, i really did not get whatever you said. not that it matters, but i just thought you should know that i don't know what you're talking bout. try use of punctuations.
veed, giggle back atcha.
cassy - paper flags are the coolest. i have flaggies and tiny lanterns in my window.
k, rant away... like i said i'm not too familiar with the capital, but i'm sure you'll help me get there...
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