Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"It's okay. It's alright. Everything's just fine and no one can touch you. No one can hurt you, no one can make you cry and no one can draw blood out of you. You will be fine. Just fine."

If you say those lines often enough, you can almost get yourself to believe them. You'll almost feel like you're not that stupid, that fucked up and that dumb. Almost.


Blogger Casablanca said...

Is this from a book or a movie which I'm supposed to know, but I dont?

I almost feel stupid. Almost.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you say those lines often enough, you can almost get yourself to believe them.

Try removing that 'almost' once pha. Its not that difficult. It really isn't.


Blogger Casablanca said...

*whispers to Phal*
This rohan sometimes does say smart things. Why doesnt he have a blog?

Blogger bluegreenflysplat said...

Rohan, Cas is right. But if you flirt with her, I will kill you. Really.

Cas, he does, but he doesn't. He's a lovely sweety. And it's not from a book/movie/anything. That was me.


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