Friday, November 11, 2005

Dream-catcher, Fly-Swatter.

Ice cream again tonight. tsk, tsk.

I dreamt early this morn that I was on the Titanic. Or some ship/trawler/sea vessel that passed the Titanic. Or something similar. Can't remember much, of course, but the damn dream was tilted, straight out of the movie. I wonder if it was trying to tell me something. But then again, maybe I'm reading too much into a morning dream, the ones notorious for coming true. I mean, Titanic toh doob gayi naa? So how can I, or anyone else go up on it again?

Unless of course, there is some profound meaning of all this, and I'll only know as I drown what it was all about. I went to Prithvi today, to see a 'technically stripped' version of Measure for Measure. Slick liked it fine, I was much disappointed. In a deep, philosophical way, Slick was too, but my disappointment was with the fact that the brilliance of it completely died. Not that it was extremely brilliant to begin with, I mean it rocked in fits and starts, but it didn't come close to what it could have been, especially with all that they have. Also, I felt like mass murdering half the audience. In the last row sat an especially annoying bunch of college fucks. Not that I mind them any more than I mind flies - they exist, so one just finds ways to get rid of them. The problem with them is (and this is not a snobbish statement), but if the actor on stage is standing there in her bra, they start giggling. If another actor is shouting, because Claudio is going to die, they start sniggering. Assholes.

The other problem is all those important people who squeeze in a play when they can. They should, in my humple opinion, be flogged, and then tied to the back of a camel, and dragged around the desert. I detest people who keep their cellphones on, and on silent and sit right next to the amps. So everytime someone rings them, the entire theatre will know. What I hate, even more, is that those people will, then, proceed to pull out their cellphones, and try to look at the number, in what they believe to be an inconspicious way. In alltruth, it is inconspicious. Only two whole rows behind them, along with the row they're sitting on will know, after all. And today, Mister Fidget, sitting in front of me, blocking my view everytime he had an itch, pulled out his little notebook computer thingie and started writing numbers his wife gave him in it. Dude, get up, get out. You've obviously got better things to do. Jesus H. Christ.

I know there's people who don't even switch off their cells, or who feel obliged to start a coughing fit in a blackout. But we'll just pretend that Natraj has disposed of them already.

I know this is a rant, but why don't we understand that there are larger consequences of what we do, or decide to not do? I wish, for once we'd think.

I wish for once I'd figure out my dreams.


Blogger K said...

Following up on the comment that youleft on my blog - Wong Kar Wai's actor of choice is Tony Leung - well not quite like the way Kurosawa and Mifune got along but something like that I guess. I have this love-hate thing with Hong Kong /Chinese Cinema.
This reminds me, I have to go out and watch a pop-Hollywood movie at a hall, I need a throughly useless, dumb and sexually tittilating cinematic experience once in a while.
Sheetal is right opposite Ramee Guestline/Rajasthan hotel at Khar on SV Road. Its open till obscene hours of the morning...
Now to your post - I've been an obnoxious college fuck on stage quite a few times, and having other clowns trying to put you off is the worst thing (unless you're dead drunk and manage to pull off a brilliant performance - there are reasons I quit acting). However, I always thought that the Theatre going crowd in Bombay was a more urbane and civilised crowd that in Delhi - well, again that depends on the play I guess.
Sigh, lucky you I'm stuck in office all day and making it back from town to Juhu in time to watch a play would kill me in the process.
I'll write about some the other stuff you've said later.

Blogger Eleventy Seven said...

I could relate to your experiences as even I find myself looking fo my sniper rifle each time I hear a cell phone ring in a hall or some dunb fuck decides to have that all important converstion with his partner right in the middle of the play.

There's an interesting play on at "Starters and More" tomorrow night. It's called "God said Cheers" or something like that. Take a look if you will....

Blogger Casablanca said...

Hmmm, they should start imposing fines for noisy people in a show!

On another note... dont even apologise for ranting on your blog. Its the BEST punching bag, I assure you ;)

Blogger bluegreenflysplat said...

K, thats a fucking blog entry!!! But, I'm amused all the same. Where d'you work??

I'm taking a look at Sheetal, ver, very soon. If I get the time to do it. Domb Hollywood experience, it's the bestest. Right about now, I would pay to get dead drunk and see insane number of movies back to back. I think I want to see scream. I, II, III and IV.

Sourabh, I'm going to be working,working till February. Then I will die. I can't watch plays in that much time!!!!

Cas, I know one is free to rant here, but hell, sometimes an apology is good. It endears you further perhaps, to all else? Hmm?


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